

  • 23. Pettorelli, N., Schulte to Bühne, H., Tulloch, A., Dubois, G., Macinnis-Ng, C., Queirós, A. M., Keith, D. A., Wegmann, M., Schrodt, F., Stellmes, M., Sonnenschein, R., Geller, G. N., Roy, S., Somers, B., Â鶹´«Ã½, N., Bland, L., Geijzendorffer, I., Kerr, J. T., Broszeit, S., Leitão, P. J., Duncan, C., El Serafy, G., He, K. S., Blanchard, J. L., Lucas, R., Mairota, P., Webb, T. J. and Nicholson, E. (2017), Satellite remote sensing of ecosystem functions: opportunities, challenges and way forward. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv. doi:10.1002/rse2.59

  • 22. Pettorelli, N., Nagendra, H., Rocchini, D., Rowcliffe, M., Williams, R., Ahumada, J., De Angelo, C., Atzberger, C., Boyd, D., Buchanan, G., Chauvenet, A., Disney, M., Duncan, C., Fatoyinbo, T., Fernandez, N., Haklay, M., He, K.S., Horning, N., Kelly, N., de Klerk, H., Liu, X., Merchant, N., Paruelo, J., Roy, H., Roy, S., Ryan, S., Sollmann, R., Swenson, J. and Wegmann, M. (2017), Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation: three years on. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv, 3: 53–56. doi:10.1002/rse2.53

  • 21.Rocchini, D, Garzon-Lopez, CX, Marcantonio, M, Amici, V, Bacaro, G, Bastin, L, Brummitt, N, Chiarucci, A, Foody, GM, Hauffe, HC, He, KS, Ricotta, C, Rizzoli, A & Rosà, R 2017, Anticipating species distributions: handling sampling effort bias under a Bayesian frameworkScience of the Total Environment, vol 584-585, pp. 282-290. DOI: 

  • 20. Pettorelli, N., Wegmann, M., Skidmore, A., Mücher, S., Dawson, T. P., Fernandez, M., Lucas, R., Schaepman, M. E., Wang, T., O'Connor, B., Jongman, R. H.G., Kempeneers, P., Sonnenschein, R., Leidner, A. K., Böhm, M., He, K. S., et al. (2016), Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv, 2: 122–131. doi:10.1002/rse2.15

  • 19. Dawson, Michael N; Axmacher, Jan C.; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Blois, Jessica L.; Bradley, Bethany A.; Cord, Anna F.; Dengler, J, K. S. He, et al. (2016).  Frontiers of Biogeography, 8(4). doi: 10.21425/F58429770. fb_29770. 

  • 18. Rocchini, D., Boyd, D. S., Féret, J.-B., Foody, G. M., He, K. S., Lausch, A., Nagendra, H., Wegmann, M. and Pettorelli, N. (2016), Satellite remote sensing to monitor species diversity: potential and pitfalls. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv, 2: 25–36. doi:10.1002/rse2.9

  • 17. X. He, K.S. He, J. Hyvönen (2016).  Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics19, 49-60.

  • 16. Pettorelli, N., Wegmann, M., Skidmore, A., Mücher, S., Dawson, T. P., Fernandez, M., Lucas, R., Schaepman, M. E., Wang, T., O'Connor, B., Jongman, R. H.G., Kempeneers, P., Sonnenschein, R., Leidner, A. K., Böhm, M., He, K.S., Nagendra, H., Dubois, G., Fatoyinbo, T., Hansen, M. C., Paganini, M., de Klerk, H. M., Asner, G. P., Kerr, J. T., Estes, A. B., Schmeller, D. S., Heiden, U., Rocchini, D., Pereira, H. M., Turak, E., Fernandez, N., Lausch, A., Cho, M. A., Alcaraz-Segura, D., McGeoch, M. A., Turner, W., Mueller, A., St-Louis, V., Penner, J., Vihervaara, P., Belward, A., Reyers, B., Geller, G. N. (2016), Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. doi: 10.1002/rse2.15

  • 15. Rocchini, D., Boyd, D. S., Féret, J.-B., Foody, G. M., He, K.S., Lausch, A., Nagendra, H., Wegmann, M., Pettorelli, N. (2016), Satellite remote sensing to monitor species diversity: potential and pitfalls. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2: 25–36. doi: 10.1002/rse2.9

  • 14. He, K. S., Bradley, B. A., Cord, A. F., Rocchini, D., Tuanmu, M.-N., Schmidtlein, S., Turner, W., Wegmann, M., Pettorelli, N. (2015), Will remote sensing shape the next generation of species distribution models? Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 1: 4–18. doi: 10.1002/rse2.7

  • 13. Zhang Z, Pan X, Zhang Z, He K.S, Li B (2015) Specialist Insect Herbivore and Light Availability Do Not Interact in the Evolution of an Invasive Plant. PLoS ONE10(9) e0139234.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139234

  • 12. Rocchini, D., Andreo, V., Förster, M., Garzon-Lopez, C.X., Gutierrez, A.P., Gillespie ,T.W., Hauffe, H.C., He, K.S., Kleinschmit, B., Mairota, P., Marcantonio, M., Metz, M., Nagendra, H., Pareeth, S., Ponti, L., Ricotta, C., Rizzoli, A., Schaab, G., Zebisch, M., Zorer, R., Neteler, M. (2015). Potential of remote sensing to predict species invasions - a modeling perspective. Progress in Physical Geography, 39: 283-309.

  • 11. W Li, Y Bai, Q Chen, KS He, X Ji, C Han. (2014). . Ecological Indicators 47, 171-178.

  • 10. Rocchini, D., Hernandez-Stefanoni, J., He, K. S. (2014). Advancing species diversity estimate by remote sensed proxies: A conceptual review. Ecological Informatics. Web: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1574954114001435 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.10.0069.

  • 9. Pellock, S., Thompson, A., He, K.S., Mecklin, C.J., and J. Yang. (2013). Validity of Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis relates to the stages of invasion. Community Ecology, 14(2): 172-179.

  • 8. Erwin, S., Huckaba, A., He, K.S., McCarthy, M. (2013).  Matrix Analysis to Model the Invasion of Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) on Kentucky Lakes. Plant Ecology, 6(2): 141-149.

  • 7. He, K.S. and Rocchini, D. (2013). Plant Invasion and Imaging Spectroscopy In: Remote Sensing of Natural Resources. , G. and Q. Weng (Eds.), p191-198. CRC Press (Invited Book chapter).

  • 6. Feilhauer, H., Thonfeld, F., Faude, U., He, K.S., Rocchini, D., Schmidtlein, S. (2013). Assessing floristic composition with multispectral sensors - a comparison based on monotemporal and multiseasonal field spectra. InternationalJournal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 21: 218-229.

  • 5. Rocchini, D., Foody, D.G., Nagendra, H., Ricotta, C., Anand, M., He, K.S., Amici, V., Kleinschmit, B., Forster, M., Schmidtlein, S., Feilhauer, H.,Ghisla, A., Metz, M., and M. Neteler 2013. Uncertainty in ecosystem mapping by remote sensing. Computers & Geosciences50 (2013) 128–135. (Won 2013 Best Paper Award, selected among 200+ papers published in the journal in 2013)

  • 4. Rocchini, D., Delucchi, L., Bacaro, G., Cavallini, P., Feilhauer, H., Foody, G.M., He, K.S., Nagendra, H., Porta, C., Ricotta, C., Schmidtlein, S., Spano, L.D., Wegmann, M., Neteler, M. (2013). Calculating landscape diversity with information-theory based indices: A GRASS GIS solution. Ecological Informatics, 17:82-93.

  • 3. Feilhauer, H., He, K.S. Rocchini, D. (2012). Modeling species distribution using niche-based proxies derived from composite bioclimatic variables and MODIS NDVI. Remote Sensing, 4: 2057-2075 (Invited paper).

  • 2. Chai, M., Shi, F., He, K.S., Li, R., Cao, D., He, Z. (2012). Effect of saline-alkaline stress on early growth strategy and colonization success of Flvaveria Bidentis(L.) Kuntze (Asteraceae) – A new exotic plant in northern China. Polish Journal of Ecology, 60(3), 559-565.

  • 1. He, K.S., Rocchini, D., Neteler, M., Nagendra, H. (2011). Benefits of hyperspectral remote sensing for tracking plant invasions. Diversity and Distributions, 17: 381-392.

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